Thursday, January 31, 2008

please, please, please...

So I'm home sick today. Yesterday I felt like crap because I didn't really sleep Tuesday night, and today I feel just as badly, and I did sleep. So I called in. It's the third day of the new semester, so I do feel a little guilty (but not a lot!).

I'm sitting here on the couch watching the Weather Channel. We have a heavy snow warning starting at midnight and running until 7pm tomorrow. Detroit will get between 3 and 5 inches of snow overnight tonight and another 4 to 6 inches tomorrow. The warning also includes a statement that those of us south of M59 may get sleet occasionally, which could reduce the amount of snow. So if there isn't a lot of snow, there may be a lot of ice.

I might get a five day weekend!!!! I'm entirely cool with this. :)

1 comment:

Me said...

Were you off work? I was, since Southfield Schools were closed. It was a beautiful thing. I sat around in my PJ's and did NOTHING.