Thursday, March 13, 2008

primary politics

Ok, this is a rant.

I am annoyed by the whole Michigan primary thing. The idiots we elected decided that they'd "force the parties to campaign to us" and moved up the primaries, even though they were told that there would be consequences. I voted in the primary like a good little citizen, even though the national party decided that the people would be punished for the actions of our politicians. And now the Democratic party recognizes that they need Michigan's votes and they want a do-over. At a cost of $10-12 million. Fortunately, not to be paid by the state of Michigan (because we could so afford that, right?).

Here are my issues:

A: I ALREADY VOTED. I did my job.

B: Does this mean we wouldn't matter if the race wasn't so close? Fuck you too!

C: These private donors who are kind enough to finance a do-over election? They don't have anything viable to donate to, like AIDS research or the homeless? Really, funding a petty pissing match is the most important thing you can think of to do with your money?

If Republicans didn't make me want to move to Australia, I might have to vote elsewhere this year, my dear Dems.

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